Monday, December 12, 2011

Exclusive Wishlist:


Just one of another little innocent wish list for my birthday & X'mas that is coming up. So family and friends, if you are thinking about not really getting me anything because I live "abroad" or because you assume I "already" have everything, think again! I am clearly lacking some of the following items. And for the man in my life that's you!!! BAU, I made this "SUPER" easy for you, just click & take notes, okay?!?!?! ;P XOXO

Follow Fashion Infusion


  1. I'm in a boot-choosing dilemma as well. I'm drooling over that ring, Gorgeous. My wishlist is up, too:
    Haha, Oh please, Santa ;p

    te amo,


I appreciate any comments and thoghts, it makes me happy and grow. I will try to visit your blog and see who you are...Love, Becca :)

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